

It’s been nine months since my last blog post. I’d like to say how can that be? But I know. Bruce’s Parkinson’s started to progress more quickly in early 2019 and by April of 2019 when I posted my last blog, he needed a lot of help. My days got so busy with physical therapy, doctor appointments and taking care of daily needs. And then it progressed even faster. In August he started hospice at our home and was completely bedridden. And on September 20, 2019 my dear husband passed away.  

I was grief stricken and fatigued all of the time.  Little did I know that it wasn’t all grief but that my own health issues were brewing. I am still in the process of understanding exactly what those health issues involve. Bruce’s passing and my own health issues have reminded me how fragile our lives are. Time passes. Our lives pass by. 

This piece feels like something dug up from the past. It and the others in this series remind me to pay attention to the present. They remind me to live my life knowing that it will not last forever. They remind me that it is time to do what I am meant to do, to be my full self. 




the divine