the blog

artful musings: dispatches from the intuitive studio of roberta wagner

fields Roberta Wagner fields Roberta Wagner

more fields

I love the window seat on an airplane so that I can look at the patterns made on the earth below.  Google Earth makes window seats available all the time and around the world. 

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process Roberta Wagner process Roberta Wagner

changing mediums

It happened three years ago.   

I fought it at first.  I knew clay.  I worked with clay in my art studio for more than 30 years.  I studied glazes and firing processes and different clay bodies and knew what I needed to do to achieve the effects I wanted.

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fields Roberta Wagner fields Roberta Wagner

north dakota fields

Some Native Americans talk about it taking three generations to get used to "new ground" and to feel like you've sprung from that ground.  That may be true.  I sprung up from Minnesota ground and her corn fields must be buried deep in my psyche as the pattern of fields so often seep into my work.

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process Roberta Wagner process Roberta Wagner

small pieces

I am back to making small pieces and loving it.  Periodically, I think I need to start making larger pieces.  “They are bigger and better and more important,” my mind says.

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Roberta Wagner Roberta Wagner

why art?

The best artists stop me in my tracks. Time stops. The first time I had that experience was at a Van Gogh show in New York.  It's a state beyond words. It is like a mystical experience.


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