artists on couches

Kelly Joy Ladd started a great program talking to artists about how they work and are inspired. She has done video interviews (now used by some museums to help viewers understand the artistic process) and also posts shorter versions on Instagram (@artistsoncouches).

On Instagram, she includes photos of the artist’s work and the artist on their couch to give the impression of having a conversation with the artist. The artist then answers one question from her list of maybe 10 questions.

I was so pleased to be included in her process. Here’s my question and answer.

Artists on Couches:

How do you use your intuition when creating art and what does it feel like?


I clear my mind of any “ideas” about what I “should” make. Movement takes over. I like to say that my hands know more than my head.

It’s the best feeling in the world, a combination of love, delight, and joy. The trick is to stay in that state instead of beginning to analyze what I’ve just done. I think that may be why some artists like to listen to music while working. But for me, I like the quiet.

I do analyze my work later, but I don’t want to be “doing” when analyzing. I want to return to intuition, hopefully with the benefit of the analysis.


I know I have been quiet on here lately. I’ve been in a process of figuring out where to go next. I think I finally have found a good direction but it will take a bit more time to bring it to fruition.

In the meantime, I am pleased that Cuniform (, a wonderful group of designers who help people build sustainable, loved wardrobes, have opened a store in Seattle. I will be showing my work there. I’ll keep you posted on details.




the drawing